
Code of Conduct

Code of conduct for students


School uniform is compulsory and students should be in proper uniform at school and at all school functions, unless told otherwise. Should it not be possible for the student to be wearing the uniform a note must be sent from the home and given to the class teacher at the start of the day.

Students are required to abide by the school Discipline Policy.

Students are required to follow the prescribed Dress Code.

Cell phone conversation or usage of electronic gadgets for games in the class is strictly forbidden.

Students are expected to arrive at school on time and prepared for the day, with all equipment they need and a positive attitude. They are expected to attend all their scheduled lessons. 

If for any reason a student is unable to attend class, parents should notify the school. All students are expected to catch up with the work missed during absence's.

If a student wants to leave the school during the day they must bring a note from their parents/guardians, or get permission from the Principal. The GCE students may leave at any time but must notify the Coordinator.

The use of mobile phones, laptops, personal music players etc. is permitted at Break only, unless specific permission is given by the teacher. Inappropriate use can result in confiscation.

School property and the property of other students or teachers should be treated with respect and care. Any object damaged by irresponsible use must be replaced by the person responsible for the damage.

Students are responsible for their own belongings. Lockers are provided for them to put their equipment and should be securely locked at all times. A substitute key, or a written code number, should be given to the Year group teacher in case a key is lost or a number forgotten.
It is advisable for students not to keep valuable items or substantial sums of money while in school. The school does not take responsibility for any loss or damage caused.


Code of conduct for teachers


PISC deems teacher as a foster parent who plays a pivotal role in nurturing the pupil. Teacher is therefore expected to be kindhearted, considerate, benevolent and decently attired.

All teachers recognize and act upon the fact that they are working in a team and are collectively responsible for the good order of the school and the safety of students at all times.

All teachers are responsible for maintaining a healthy atmosphere within the school premises by forbidding the usage of foul language, restraining aggressive actions, preventing intolerance or disrespect of diverse cultures, faith or gender.
Teachers on duty in the playground, or around the school are responsible for ensuring discipline. They have the duty to ensure that the playground is safe at all times and can stop activities that are deemed dangerous or cause annoyance to other students.

They shall endeavor to improve academic standard of the school, to uphold its reputation and standing in the community and academic circles.

They are expected to emulate noble values of affability, civility, dignity, esteem and integrity.

They shall reach their class on time and well prepared. They shall endeavor to maintain discipline in the classroom and provide comfort to students in their care.

Teachers shall keep the class engaged and occupied until the bell rings. Early dismissal should be avoided, except in unavoidable circumstances.

They shall deal with their students, with patience and understanding and try to inculcate in them a sense of scholarship and passion for learning.

They shall follow the syllabuses given to them, dividing them into terms and weeks to ensure that all the main sections are covered, whilst remaining open to issues that the students raise related to the topics.
Prepare lesson plans and adhere to them, mark student work regularly and keep a good record of the marks, attend meetings to discuss student progress, and fulfill all the administrative requirements of the school in this regard.

Set Continuous Assessment tasks and Exams that are challenging, but within the limits of the class, in consultation with the HOD and compliance with the syllabus. Set and mark exams in good time and finalize CA before the start of exams.

Recognize the equal importance of all subjects in the school, and deal with other staff members courteously and professionally.

Participate in co-curricular activities, parent-teacher interviews and special occasions.

Act as a positive role model for students in attitude, appearance and demeanor.